Incoming Students

hth华体会体育app官网lsu architecture materials

hth华体会体育app官网Welcome to the LSU School of Architecture and the LSU College of Art & Design!

hth华体会体育app官网We are thrilled that you have chosen the LSU School of Architecture for your studies, and we look forward to your participation in our fall semester curriculum.hth华体会体育app官网You are joining a dedicated group of faculty and students in the School of Architecture and can look forward to all the benefits that affords.hth华体会体育app官网The next five years in the School of Architecture will be filled with exciting experiences and opportunities including learning a whole new world of design skills, internships, field trips, and friendships that will last a lifetime.hth华体会体育app官网We look forward to working with you in our program and introducing you to a vast array of exciting experiences that take place at the School of Architecture.Of course college life itself will also be filled with new experiences in independence, extracurricular activities, and new knowledge.

Digital Requirements
Supply List ARCH 1001 – coming soon!
Supply List ARCH 4003 Studio – coming soon!