Suzanne M.Stauffer
225-578-1461| 270 Coates Hall
MLS Brigham Young University
PhD University of California, Los Angeles
Dr.Staufferjoined the LSU SLIS faculty in 2006.Currently, she advises students in the specializations of youth services librarianship, adult services in public libraries, and school librarianship, as well as Graduate Certificate in School Librarianship students.Her professional experience includes adult services/general reference librarian in Long Beach, New York, technical services librarian at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in New York City, and children's librarian for the County of Los Angeles.
LIS 4101 Collection Development for Children
LIS 4105 Collection Development of Graphic Novels
LIS 7000 Information & Society
LIS 7100 Youth Services Librarianship
LIS 7110 Adult Services in Public Libraries
LIS 7405 Public Libraries
LIS 7700 History & Theory of Cultural Heritage Institutions
LIS 7800 The Art & Practice of Library Storytelling
Research Areas
Print culture (history of the socio-cultural aspects of books, libraries, communication, reading, publishing, authorship, etc.)!History of children's service in public libraries and school libraries!Reading and literacy, especially emergent literacy/early literacy!Lifelong education and self-education!Librarianship as a profession, including education for librarianship!Gender issues in librarianship.
Selected Publications
Stauffer, Suzanne M."Utilizing this new medium of mass-communication: the Regional Film Distribution Program at the Cleveland Public Library, 1948-1951." Library & Information History 33, no.4 (2017): 258-274
Stauffer, Suzanne M."Libraries are the Homes of Books: Whiteness in the Construction of School Libraries." Libraries: Culture, History and Society 1, no.2 (2017): 194-212.
Stauffer, Suzanne M."The Work Calls for Men: The Social Construction of Librarianship and Education for Librarianship." Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 57, no.4 (2016): 311-324.
Stauffer, Suzanne M."Supplanting the Saloon Evil and Other Loafing Habits: Utah's Library-Gymnasium Movement, 1907-1912." Library Quarterly: Information, Community, Policy, 86, no.4 (2016): 434–448.
Selected Presentations
Women in Print: Production Distribution, Consumption, Sept 13-14, 2018 Winterbourne House and Garden, Edgbaston, Birmingham, UK.Paper, "Marilla Waite Freeman: The Librarian as Literary Muse, Gatekeeper, and Print Culture Disseminator"
Southwest P/ACA Annual Conference, Feb 7-10, 2018, Albuquerque, NM Paper, "The Public Library as Frontier: Shifting Borders, Permeable Boundaries."
ALISE 2017 Annual Conference, Jan 17-20, Atlanta, GA.Poster "Educating for Whiteness: Applying Critical Race Theory to LIS Education Research."
IFLA 82nd World Library and Information Congress, Aug 13-19, 2016 Columbus, OH.Library History SIG and Library Services to Multicultural Populations Section joint session on Libraries and Immigrants: Historical Perspectives Paper "From Saigon to Baton Rouge: East Baton Rouge Parish Library and Vietnamese Refugees, 1975-1985."
Selected Grants/Funded Projects
2015/16 Awarded CHSE Peabody Society Dean's Circle Grant of $3000 for Black Youth and the Desegregation of Public Libraries in Louisiana: An Oral History Project.
Professional/Community Services
Southwest Popular/American Culture Association
Cultural Heritage Institutions Studies
Area Chair 2018-
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
Library History SIG 2017-
Association for Library and Information Science Education
Eugene Garfield Doctoral Dissertation Award Committee
Chair 2016-2018
American Library Association
Library History Round Table
Chair 2017/18
Awards and Honors
2014/15 Russell B.Long Professor