Academic Programs Abroad

Broadening horizons ...

We believe that travel is crucial to an education in art and design.hth华体会体育app官网Our programs in architecture, art, art history, interior design, and landscape architecture offer a variety of opportunities for students to travel.From field studies, excursions, and site visits to museum tours and senior trips, our students get around.

While College of Art & Design students make up three percent of the university's student body, our students are responsible for 25 percent of the university's international travel.Our faculty develop and direct a variety of Academic Programs Abroad in a range of countries including Ireland, Italy, Vietnam, Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and South Africa.

Students can earn course credits by:

  • studying graphic design in London during a course excursion over spring break;
  • creating strategies and proposals for the preservation of the Mekong Delta in Vietnam in a summer intersession course;
  • hth华体会体育app官网spending fall in Rome, a program designed to fit within the architecture and design curricula;
  • and more!

The college continually seeks to broaden opportunities for exchange with other universities domestically and abroad.Currently, exchange agreements are in place with universities in China, Haiti, and beyond.Even the students who never leave campus gain exposure to a variety of different cultures and world views by working in studios with exchange students from other universities and learning from visiting scholars.

When our students return from their international experiences, they all say the same thing: "It will change your life.You will come back a new person."

Don't take our word for it—try it for yourself!

Opportunities abroad abound!