Interior Design Studio VI
Interior Design Studio VI is the culminating design studio (capstone project) with an emphasis on innovation and comprehensive solutions of complex problems in the interior environment.The capstone project demonstrates a student's ability to synthesize and integrate the knowledge and skills acquired during their academic studies in the School of Interior Design.Students have an opportunity to apply research findings and analysis, explore concept development and project resolution through the design process, and improve technical and representation skills.The proposition, scope, and level of complexity of their problem is prepared in advance during ID 4720, Seminar in Interior Design, which includes programming and pre-schematic design.ID 4756, Independent Study Project, is a co-requisite for ID 4755, where students simultaneously discover the potential for innovation through identifying a focus area, conducting additional supporting research, analysis, and development, and apply this knowledge to their capstone project.This is a certified Communication-Intensive (C-I) course, which meets all of the requirements set forth by LSU's Communication across the Curriculum program.